Where is the geographical location of Darmstadt University of Technology?
Darmstadt University of Technology (Technische Universit? T Darmstadt), founded in 1877, is an old German university of science and engineering and the only industrial (TU) university in Hesse, formerly known as Dagong Hesse Institute of Technology. It is located in the German science city of darmstadt, in the Frankfurt/Rhine-Main metropolitan area. 1882, he founded the world's first department of electrical engineering, was a member of TU9, and was elected to Exzellenzinitiative twice. Darmstadt University of Technology focuses on research in the fields of engineering and natural science. It is the most popular German university in the field of engineering and enjoys a high reputation in the German business community. Since its establishment, it has contributed to changing the world through pioneering teaching and research achievements and many internationally recognized scholars. Together with eight other universities of science and technology, the university has formed nine university alliance associations of science and technology in the German University Development Alliance.