It takes a lot of money to get the certification qualification certificate issued by a formal training institution. Having a certificate at least shows that you understand the product quality control procedures, which is very helpful for future work.
In the current economic environment, this certificate still has certain advantages, mainly because it can improve the corporate image externally and promote the standardization of various process behaviors within the enterprise internally. And now many supply chains need this certificate, which is also an affirmation of the internal quality management system of enterprises.
Mechanism rules:
The main function of ISO is to provide a mechanism for people to reach an agreement on the formulation of international standards. Its main organization and operation rules are stipulated in a document called ISO/IEC Technical Work Guide, and its technical structure has 800 technical committees and subcommittees in ISO.
They each have a chairman and a secretariat. The secretariat is held by each member country, and 30 member groups undertake the work of the secretariat country. Each secretariat maintains direct contact with the ISO Central Secretariat in Geneva.