All numbers beginning with "1" must be capitalized as "one". For example, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand.
Men's numbers, unlike Arabic numerals and Roman numerals, are not easy to tamper with. Usually, the denomination of RMB, commercial contracts or financial documents are marked with Arabic numerals at the same time.
Uppercase number rule
The amount in Chinese is expressed in words and figures, please fill in in block letters or running script, such as one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, one hundred, thousand, ten million, yuan, angle, minute, zero and whole (positive).
Do not use one, two (two), three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, twenty, wool, another (or zero) to fill in, and do not create simplified characters. It is also acceptable if the numbers are written in traditional Chinese characters, such as 20, 60, 100 million, 10,000 and circle.
In the amount of Chinese characters, if the number reaches yuan, you should write "Zheng" (or "Zheng") after yuan, and don't write "Zheng" (or "Zheng") after corner. There is a "minute" in the number, and the word "whole" (or "positive") is not written after the "minute".