Bolt support technology in coal roadway based on rock mass structure analysis
According to the conclusion of single-layer arch beam model test (see section 4.3.5), αM is called bending moment coefficient, and A is the width of rock stratum, which can be used as unit width. Table 4.7 shows the test results of bending moment coefficient of single-layer arch beam, which is a function of initial stress and span-thickness ratio. With the increase of span-thickness ratio, the bending moment coefficient has little change, but it first increases and then decreases with the increase of initial stress. In order to be safe and simplify the calculation, the bending moment coefficient is set as a constant, and it is taken as the value with large initial stress, here it is taken as 0.2 1.
According to the critical state analysis, as shown in Figure 8.2:
Bolt support technology in coal roadway based on rock mass structure analysis
Further written as:
Bolt support technology in coal roadway based on rock mass structure analysis
Derive the above formula:
Bolt support technology in coal roadway based on rock mass structure analysis
By introducing safety factor η and creep factor ξ, the critical span of single-layer arch beam is recorded as Lc, which is obtained by substituting it into formula (8.7):
Bolt support technology in coal roadway based on rock mass structure analysis
Where: η = 4, ξ = 0.5 ~ 0.7. γ is 25kN/m3, and the above formula is further simplified as:
Bolt support technology in coal roadway based on rock mass structure analysis
Where the unit of σc is MPa; The unit of t is m; The Lc unit is m.