Exercise books, leaflets, test papers, draft papers, greeting cards and other waste paper. Recyclable waste plastics: plastic bags, beverage bottles, plastic stools and chairs, plastic stationery, plastic bags, beverage bottles, plastic stools and chairs, plastic stationery, CDs and tapes. Optical disc and magnetic tape, pencil sharpener for removing metal parts, etc.
Kindergarten garbage classification jingle
Dry and wet should be separated. If it can be sold, it must be sold separately. Green kitchen, zay Qi, red danger, blue baby. Recyclable, throw blue, harmful waste throw red, kitchen waste is green, and other waste is gray. There is a lot of garbage, which is harmful, and everyone praises it for its classified placement.
Leave the kitchen waste alone, harmful waste. Don't throw it about. Recyclable, other garbage, we distinguish clearly, littering is harmful, clean and beneficial to everyone. Garbage sorting and recycling. Waste sorting resources are not wasted, and waste reduction is more beautiful.