Grab from the doll
Let books be children's closest partners! From infancy, accompany them with warm voices and picture books, and make reading a part of life.
Regular reading time
Set your reading time at half an hour before going to bed every night, or in the leisurely afternoon on weekends. Let law become habit and habit become nature.
Choose a good book
Choose the right books according to children's interests and age. Let them participate in the choice and stimulate their reading enthusiasm!
Parent-child joint reading
The most lasting expression of my love, is choosing to stay by your side. Open the pages with children, share the joy of reading, and make the parent-child relationship closer.
Create reading space
Create a warm and comfortable reading corner for children and make books their most precious wealth.
Encouragement and reward
Praise children's reading achievements and let them feel the achievements. Set reading goals, give small rewards after reaching them, and make reading their pride!