Problem description:
Better give a few examples, thank you!
When pronouncing, the vocal cords vibrate with voiced sound, also called voiced sound; Voiced vocal cords are unvoiced, also called unvoiced. Practice distinguishing voiced from unvoiced. You can cover your ears and read voiced and unvoiced sounds together. There are four voiced initials in Putonghua Pinyin: M, N, L and R, and the other initials are unvoiced. The vowel is voiced.
Aspirated sound and unvoiced sound have nothing to do with unvoiced voiced sound, but the strength of airflow is different when pronouncing. In Putonghua Pinyin, only pairs of initials, such as BP, DT, GK, ZC, JQ and ZHCH, are said to be aspirated and unvoiced, with the former not aspirated and the latter aspirated.