Learning Preference For exam-oriented education, what he values most is students' grades, so many students will prove their learning efficiency through their grades. It is easy for students to ignore the essence of learning and only pay attention to the results of grades and what they have learned. But for learning, his original intention is to let students know more knowledge and expand their knowledge, but with the development of exam-oriented education, the pressure on students is increasing. In the process of continuous learning, the enrollment rate is constantly improving, which also makes many people full of different expectations for their future.
Many of us will find that what we usually learn in school is some written knowledge, and we seldom practice it. In fact, in real life, we rarely encounter something that is mentioned in textbooks. Although so far, some courses about biology and science have carried out relevant experiments, which have increased students' practical ability, but for some literature courses, we rarely really do it. Social practice is also a very lacking course in many schools. They only pay attention to how to supplement students' spiritual level, but ignore students' most essential needs.
Ideological restrictions Most of us will have an overall learning framework in the process of learning, but it is easy to imprison students' thoughts in such an exam-oriented education environment for a long time. When they think about problems, they always think according to a specific framework, and they don't have that kind of innovative jumping ability. This long-term development can easily lead them to lose their innovative ideas, even if they have learned a lot of knowledge.