First, ideal courses, that is, courses that some educational research institutions, academic groups and curriculum experts should offer; ?
Second, the formal curriculum, that is, the curriculum plan, curriculum standards and teaching materials stipulated by the education administrative department, that is, the courses we usually see in the curriculum; ?
Third, the course of comprehension or understanding, that is, the course that teachers understand, may have a certain distance from the formal course. As the saying goes, "A thousand readers have a thousand Hamlets"; ?
Fourth, operational courses, that is, courses actually implemented in the classroom. In practice, teachers often make adjustments at any time according to students' responses; ?
Fifth, experience course is what students actually experience in classroom learning, that is, course experience. ?
Goodlyde's "curriculum" theory actually reveals the movement form of "curriculum" from theory to practice, which changes people's understanding of the concept of "curriculum" from a static perspective to a dynamic perspective. From Goodrider's curriculum hierarchy theory, we can easily find that the so-called ideal curriculum or formal curriculum is the curriculum concept in our traditional cognitive category, while the comprehension curriculum, operation curriculum, especially experience curriculum are the real "creative curriculum" in our understanding.