Observation is the most basic and commonly used method in preschool education research. It is not only the basic way to collect materials, but also the basis of other research methods.
(2) Investigation methods. Investigation is a method to indirectly study the phenomenon of early childhood education through talks, questionnaires, symposiums and consulting relevant literature.
(3) Experimental methods. Experimental method is a research method in which teachers control certain conditions and change certain educational factors in a planned way according to the research purpose to investigate the causal relationship between factors and results. The general procedure of educational experiment includes four steps: determining the subject, designing the experiment, implementing the design and summarizing.
(4) Educational experience summary method. Summary of educational experience is a research method of preschool education. Based on the facts provided by educational practice and the procedures of scientific research, it analyzes and summarizes educational phenomena in an uncontrolled natural state, reveals their internal relations and laws, and promotes people's transformation from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge.
(5) Case study method. Case study method is an in-depth and concrete research method for a single research object.