Still need to study hard from Mianxue. Original: since ancient times, the Ming king and the Sheng emperor still have to study hard, and the situation is average! This is unprecedented. I can't be serious. I want to talk about something important in modern times in order to enlighten you. When the children of scholar-officials reach the age of education, many will arrive, and a few will not lose. When it comes to crown marriage, the body is slightly fixed; Therefore, secrets must be trained and seduced. People with lofty ideals can sharpen their skills and become vegetarians; Those who don't stand up will die if they fall down slowly.
When you are alive, you will have a job: farmers will measure crops, businessmen will discuss goods and bribes, skilled workers will use sophisticated tools, geisha will use magic, martial artists will be used to bowing horses and scribes will teach classics. More commonly, the scholar-officials were ashamed to engage in agriculture and business, and were sent as prostitutes. They can't wear letters when they shoot, but only remember their own names when they write. They have nothing to do but eat and drink, and they sell their days all year round. Or because of my family background, I got the first place and a half, thinking I was satisfied and forgot to study.
And there are good and bad events, talking about gains and losses, opening your mouth like sitting in the clouds; Public and private banquets, speaking of ancient poems, Seymour bowed his head, but did not extend. Look on with knowledge, but go deep underground. What a pity to have studied hard for several years and been humiliated for a long time!
Those wise emperors still need to study hard, let alone ordinary people! Such things can be seen everywhere in classics and history books, and I don't want to give too many examples. Just pick something important in the near future to enlighten you. Today's children of scholar-officials are uneducated after they grow up to a few years old, and those who have learned a lot have already learned. Those who have learned little have finished reading The Analects. When they are adults, their physique and temperament are gradually taking shape. At this time, it is necessary to double discipline and induce them.
Those who are ambitious among them can temper themselves to achieve their innocent and bright career, and those who have no integrity will become mediocre people from now on. In this world, people should do some work: farmers should plan farming, businessmen should negotiate business, craftsmen should elaborate various articles, artists should thoroughly study various skills, warriors should be familiar with riding and shooting, and literati should talk about Confucian classics.
Ordinary scholar-officials are ashamed to engage in agricultural commerce and lack handicraft skills. Archery can't even penetrate a layer of armor. I can only write my own name when I start writing, eating and drinking all day to kill time and end my life. Others, because of the shadow of their ancestors, got official positions, so they were satisfied with themselves and completely forgot to study. When encountering good and bad events, they talk about gains and losses, keep their mouths shut and know nothing, just like falling into the fog.
At various public and private banquets, some people talk about the past and the present, and write poems to express their feelings. However, he seems to have gagged, lowered his head, yawned and stretched. Knowledgeable onlookers are ashamed of him and want to get into the ground. Why don't these people study hard for a few years to avoid being humiliated at home all their lives?
Introduction to Mianxue;
Mianxue is the title of the eighth chapter of Yan Family Instructions, which is partly included in middle school Chinese textbooks. The authors are Yan Zhitui, Zi Jie, Langya Linyi (present-day Shandong Province) and Northern Qi writers. Yan's Family Instructions, a total of 20 articles, is a systematic and complete family education textbook, which is called "the norm of family education" by later generations. This book is a summary of his life experience of standing, doing things and studying.
Yan Family Instructions is the first family instruction with rich content and grand system in the history of China, and it is also an academic work. This paper expounds the way of managing the family, involving many fields, emphasizes that the education system should take Confucianism as the core, especially the early education of children, and puts forward its own unique views on Confucianism, literature, Buddhism, history, writing, folk customs, society and ethics.
The content of the article is practical, the language is fluent, and it has a unique and simple style, which has a far-reaching impact on future generations. The book expounds his point of view: we should attach importance to early education and late diligence, and we should not give up our studies.