Confucius said, "There are no classes in teaching."
Confucius said, "Education is inseparable."
Interpretation: The essence of education is to change people.
Now some schools have requirements for learning, students should have certain skills, children are not good enough, and parents are very powerful. Parents should also have an interview. When children are excellent, parents are also very powerful. After such a child comes out, it is very likely that he will be an excellent child. However, this is not the essence of education. These excellent children from good families can learn well by themselves without your teaching.
When we divide students into high and low, it goes against the essence of education. If a child has a problem, it needs to be solved through education. If we can educate naughty children and make them gentle, but there is no lack of liveliness and flexibility, this is a truly powerful education.
Section 40: Unity of purpose is the premise of cooperation.
Confucius said, "No common goal, no common goal."
Confucius said, "The two people are different and tit for tat. Don't work together and plan together."
Explanation: Work with the right people.
Take entrepreneurship as an example, if at the beginning of entrepreneurship, everyone is tied together because of interests. Problems may not be found in the short term, but in the long run, differences will inevitably arise.
When the company is in crisis, it will split and blame each other. At this time, there will be different situations of Tao. If we share the responsibility and understand each other, it must be because Tao is combined. But if you want to escape and leave this responsibility to others, this is different.
When the business is getting bigger and bigger, the cake distribution at this time also shows such a view. The bigger the cake gets, how will the benefits be distributed? Is it sustainable development, continue to plan bigger things, or keep an acre of land and keep the original interests? This is the moment to see.
But how to tell whether a person's Tao is the same is more difficult. We can see what it is, what it is, and it is safe. We can observe a person from some details to see if the other person is the same as his own Tao.
But this sentence can't always be said, because once it is said, it is difficult to cooperate with others. Many people are not different, but their ways of doing things and solving problems are different. We should be strict with ourselves, bow to ourselves and lightly blame others. Be strict with yourself and be lenient with others.