1. It is cold when it snows, and students are required to minimize unnecessary outdoor activities. At the same time, remind students to add clothes to prevent cold. Everyone should wear more clothes during the day and cover themselves with quilts at night, especially to keep their feet warm. It is best to wear a hat, gloves and mask when going out to prevent cold weather from causing respiratory diseases such as influenza. The classroom should be ventilated regularly to promote air circulation and prevent the occurrence and spread of winter diseases.
On snowy days, the road is slippery, so all students are required to pay special attention to the safety of after-school activities. When it snows, the road surface is covered with snow, and the road surface freezes after it snows. It is most likely to slip and fall on the black roads, roads and stairs on campus. Remind students to be careful and slow down in these sections. If you fall, be careful not to get up quickly, but get up slowly, so as not to aggravate the injury if you fall for the second time.
3. It is forbidden for students to have snowball fights and run and chase spontaneously near the school building or without the supervision of teachers to prevent physical injury caused by accidental falls. Please pay attention to your health, prevent your clothes from getting wet with snow and catch a cold, and pay attention to prevent frostbite on your hands and feet.
The road is slippery on snowy days. Everyone should pay attention to traffic safety when traveling. Try not to go to school by bike or electric car. When walking, take small steps to prevent slipping and falling. Don't take illegally operated and overloaded vehicles to and from school. When crossing the road, you should wait at the traffic lights for three minutes, don't grab a second, and don't grab a line with a motor vehicle to prevent safety accidents.
Anxue: Open a new era of campus safety!
1. The content of kindergarten education is comprehensive and enlightening, which can be divided into five fields, such as h