1, the low quality of basic education and outdated educational ideas are the reasons why quality education is difficult to advance, and students' adaptability to society is weak, making education difficult to advance.
2. The educational system and mechanism are not flexible enough, and the educational administration is strong, and the school's autonomy is short. Due to the influence of long-term planned economy, China's education has a strong administrative color. This makes the right to education too concentrated in the hands of the government, and all kinds of schools lack the necessary autonomy in running schools.
3. The development of education is unbalanced, and the problem of educational equity is still outstanding. Education in the midwest lags behind that in the east. There is a big gap in education between cities and rural areas in the same area. There is also disharmony between public schools and private schools, and between formal school education and informal academic education.
4. The strategic position of giving priority to the development of education has not been fully implemented, and the government's investment in education funds has been seriously insufficient for a long time.
5. The overall education level of the people is not high, and the level of vocational education is poor. Education can't meet the needs of national economic and social development for talents. Education can't meet people's needs for a good education. China's educational model has been formed for a long time, and it can't be totally affirmed or totally denied, but the fact is that the current educational situation in China is indeed very inadequate.
Education in China is a bit like a performance, only to please yourself. What supports this 16 program (the college entrance examination is like a big advertisement) is human greed, because this cheap and low-quality operation is profitable. Just like the commercial production of low-quality and cheap goods, it is to leave profit space for after-sales, upgrading and recycling.
If the country lacks educational talents, it will continue to support a large number of educational institutions, and various cram schools and educational classes will have living space. If we want to change education in China, we should work hard not from curriculum reform, teaching materials, quality education and examination system, but from the operation mode of educational institutions.