The pit where the dance research is properly tested! Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hang Hangzhou! ! ! ! ! ! Parents and children must not be deceived, nor should they be easily deceived.
One of the six prestigious schools in 29.8 and one of the four prestigious schools in 39.8, so I won't comment on the names of these schools one by one. If you don't achieve your goal, the Dance Research Association will find various reasons for your children to spend money on school research. In other words, your expenses can only be paid and cannot be refunded.
If large classes are not easy to teach, children are encouraged to attend small classes at 750 an hour.
Again, I advise parents to make money for the purpose of dance research and art test, and you are not allowed to discuss it! Hard-earned hard-earned money is expected and cherished [fuel]