If you fail the exam once, you can't get the training certificate. You have to retake the exam. If the make-up exam fails, you will not be able to engage in medical work related to clinical medicine.
1, the total score of each assessment part of residents/specialists 100, 80 points passed, and the single elimination system was implemented, that is, those who failed in any part were judged as unqualified in the whole assessment. Try out the total score system for general practitioners and general practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, with a score of 60 or above.
2. Summary report candidates clinical skills test scores, in addition to the total score, and report the results of each site. If there is no score at each site, the candidate's score is considered unqualified.
3, clinical skills assessment to implement single elimination and bottom elimination. Standardized training for residents/specialists The pass rate of clinical skills examination at all stages (pass rate = number of qualified people/number of people actually taking the examination) shall not exceed 95%, and the balance of pass rates of various disciplines shall be paid attention to. Test scores will not be accepted for test sites that do not meet the requirements.