CET-4 and CET-6 are compulsory certificates for almost every college student. Although some students are engaged in jobs unrelated to English after graduation, many enterprises still require students to have CET-4 and CET-6 certificates when recruiting. Because this is a very basic exam, if you don't have this certificate, the enterprise may question your learning attitude and learning ability. With the rapid development of the Internet era, people use electronic products more and more frequently. Now basically all our jobs need computers, so now enterprises require students to have basic computer operation skills when recruiting. At this time, if we have a computer grade certificate, we will get a great score in the interview. In the future, whether you are going to an educational institution as a teacher, taking an examination of teaching, or taking a special post, you need a teacher qualification certificate. At this time, if you have this certificate, you can engage in education-related work.
Update 1: Life! ! Such as the year of birth
Where are people?
Learn music there and pay attention to guzheng.
Wang Jianmin, male, comp