The process of the exam is very important. I think the key to an exam is whether you are careful, earnest and do your best in this process. If you do a few things, you still don't do well in the exam, and there is no sadness or regret, because you have tried your best to take the exam. Neither we nor our parents should care too much about the exam results, because some students have strong self-esteem and care too much about the scores. If they fail the exam once, they will lose self-confidence. After being criticized by my parents, I became afraid of exams. Before the exam, I always wonder what would happen if I failed. So I hope you don't care too much about the exam.
In addition, I think it is also important to study hard at ordinary times. If you don't study hard and don't pay attention to the accumulation outside class and in class, I think it's natural that you don't do well in the exam. For example, if the foundation of a high-rise building is not good, how can we continue to cover it layer by layer? This is the same as the exam. If you don't study hard at ordinary times, can you get satisfactory results in the exam?
Here, I also want to explain to some parents that they don't blame their children for their poor exam results, because poor exam results don't mean that they won't do well in future exams. Parents should sit down and patiently read their children's papers, and then help them understand the meaning of the questions, which is equivalent to giving them extra points. In the next exam, they will encounter a type of problem and the children will know how to do it.
Although don't care too much about the exam results, don't be too relaxed about the exam results. If you are too relaxed about your exam results, you will form indifferent thoughts in the exam, and then you will never improve!
In short, the exam results are not very important. I think the most important thing is the process of the exam and the usual efforts. If you do these two things, your exam results will be good, don't you think?
2. the score is not important
What is the basis for judging students now? It's the exam results! Can two or three digits determine the quality of a student? "Examination, the teacher's magic weapon; "Grades are the lifeblood of students" is a truth on earth, isn't it? Now you can hear "Hey, so-and-so, what's your child's score?"? "wait for the word. If you get good grades, you will be a good student. If you don't do well in the exam, you will be accused of being a bad student.
Now that you have just finished the final exam, the students will definitely want to relax, but if you don't get excellent grades, I'm afraid you will spend your winter vacation in the Wuzhishan of your mother, the bamboo pole of your father and the sea of questions. If you get good grades, you can travel all over the country, eat, drink and be crazy.
Isn't the above evidence enough to prove parents' prejudice against grades?
Here, I want to tell all parents all over the world that U score is not important. In fact, you don't want to be a nerd with excellent grades, but you don't want to be an ignorant student either. You all want to be students with all-round development in morality, intelligence and physique.
Remember that grades are not important!
Although the era of "points, points and points are the lifeblood of students" has passed, quality education and "burden reduction" are now advocated, and scores are no longer the only criterion for measuring a student's performance. However, who knows, scores actually still occupy a crucial position, because when the class is reelected, the exam results of candidates should be considered first, and teachers should get teaching bonuses at the end of the year, which is also the exam for students. The five fingerprints on the cheek are 60 points, and the rewards and punishments are clear. On Monday, April 18, the Qing language test paper was issued, with a score of 65. I was at a loss, and finally came to my senses and checked it carefully. Yes, 65 points, the practice is off topic, and there are many mistakes and omissions in the basic questions and reading questions. After that, I participated in the track and field team training for more than one month. Or the monitor? "I kept my head down, thinking in a class, and didn't pay attention to how the teacher analyzed the test questions. After class, the teacher called me to the office and said earnestly, "Lin towel, learning is like sailing against the current." If you don't advance, you will retreat. Don't be too careless. " I nodded hard and tears rolled down unwillingly. On Saturday, April 30th, it was raining and Labor Day was coming. Because my last Chinese exam result was too disappointing for my parents. No matter how much I beg for assurances, it's useless. The bright red 65 points suppressed all my thoughts, so I had to shut myself in the study and study hard. For seven days, I was immersed in the ocean of learning materials, and various exercises were bombarded in my mind. Although I doubt the effect of this "crowd tactics", I can't think of a good way to convince my stuffy parents. On Saturday, May 27th, it was a sunny day. I'm sitting in my seat in fear, so there won't be any problems in this exam. Think about my image as a monitor in the eyes of my classmates, think about my father's expectations, think about my mother's nagging, think about the upcoming June 1 ST, and I can buy my favorite gifts ... I feel preoccupied. I have distributed the test papers. I didn't have time to think about it, so I immediately put my hands together and threw myself into this arduous exam "battle" Tuesday, May 3 1 Sunday. I got 96 points in the exam, which is good, exceeding the bottom line given by my parents-90 points. I am ecstatic, "God helps others", and the gift of June 1 is expected. On Wednesday in June, it was rainy and rainy. Although the weather was bad, I knew it very well, so I took my mother shopping and brought two bags of gifts, big and small. I met my mom's colleague in the supermarket and chatted. My aunt looks envious. My mother even blushed and said modestly, "It's only 96, if only it were more than 100. "Who said that the score is no longer important, but it really controls the joys and sorrows of my family!