Description of abstract
It is a brief statement of the content of the paper, without comments, and requires a brief description of the purpose, research methods and final conclusion of the research work, with the focus on the conclusion. It is an independent and complete essay, which can be quoted and popularized.
key word
Keywords are selected from the title, abstract and text of the paper, which are words with substantial meaning to express the central content of the paper. Keywords are words used by computer systems to index the content characteristics of papers, which are convenient for information systems to collect and provide readers with retrieval. Generally, 3-8 words are selected as keywords for each paper, and a new line is set at the bottom left of the "abstract".
Subject words are standard words. When determining the subject words, we should analyze the theme of the paper and convert it into standard words in the thesaurus according to the rules of indexing and collocation. (See Chinese Thesaurus and World Chinese Thesaurus).