The arXiv system contains * * research papers in physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electronic engineering, system science, economics and other disciplines.
ArXiv is a free online science preprint resource library, which can be used to submit, share and store research papers in mathematics, physics, computer science and other academic fields. Its purpose is to provide free and accessible archives so as to distribute academic materials quickly and reliably and promote academic exchanges and research.
It was founded by Paul Jean, a computer scientist at Cornell University, at 199 1 to provide an open online platform for scientists to share and disseminate their research results.
ArXiv accepts papers submitted by scientists from all over the world, which are reviewed and classified by professionals, and then published on the website for free access and download.
Because of the existence of ArXiv, scientists can spread their research results more quickly and widely, which promotes the development and cooperation of scientific research.
At the same time, because the preprint on ArXiv has not been peer reviewed, readers need to judge its quality and credibility by themselves.
how to use
Open the ArXiv website (;
Enter information such as topics, keywords or thesis topics that you are interested in in in the search box at the top of the website, and click the search button;
On the search results page, you can see a list of papers related to the information you entered, and filter and sort them according to your needs.
Click on the title of the paper you are interested in, enter the paper details page, and view the paper abstract, author, author institution, paper download link and other information;
If necessary, you can continue to enter other keywords and other information in the search box at the top of the page to search;
If you are a researcher, you can also register an account on the ArXiv website, submit your own papers and participate in the peer review process.
It should be noted that the papers on ArXiv are all pre-printed and have not been peer-reviewed, so readers need to judge their own quality and credibility.
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