(2) After the appearance of human beings, the existence and development of nature are not transferred by human consciousness.
Judging from people's use of natural objects.
The attributes and laws of natural objects are independent of human consciousness, and people can only use natural objects consciously according to their attributes and laws.
(2) from the perspective of human transformation of natural objects.
Natural objects and their inherent attributes and laws of change and development, people can only use objective natural objects and their attributes to transform natural objects.
(3) Recognizing the objectivity of nature is the basic premise for human beings to consciously deal with the relationship between man and nature.
Second, the existence and development of society is objective.
1, society is the inevitable result of the development of the objective world.
2. The foundation of social existence and development is objective.
(1) The whole social organism is based on the mode of material production.
(2) The mode of production of material materials, the development of productive forces and the change of production relations exist objectively.
② Objectivity of production relations
The nature and level of productive forces and the requirements for further development; The nature and concrete form of production relations.
(3) Material mode of production is the decisive force for the development of human society, which embodies the materiality of human society.
3. The law of social development is objective.
The relations of production must adapt to the law of productive forces. The development of human society from the lower stage to the higher stage can be seen from the above: the world is an objective material world.