Tools: Lenovo 430, Windows7, Speed Office 1.0.
1. Select the text, press the left mouse button and drag it to the left or right to adjust the width of the space appropriately.
2. Or click the drop-down option to the right of "Numbers" in the menu bar above and select "List Settings".
3. Select Left, Center or Right in the settings pop-up window to adjust the spacing between bullets and text. At the same time, we can also adjust the type and size of bullets.
Reference format code
Types of papers and documents: monograph [M], conference proceedings [C], newspaper articles [N], journal articles [J], dissertations [D], reports [R], standards [S], patents [P], precipitated documents in papers [A] and magazines [G].
Types of electronic documents: database [DB], computer [CP], electronic bulletin [EB].
The carrier types of electronic literature: Internet [OL], CD [CD], magnetic tape [MT] and disk [DK].