48. Interpersonal Binding (with Zhang Tianle), 20 15. Management science, forthcoming.
47. "Dependence on Price, Profit and Preference" (co-authored with Michael riordan), 20 15, Journal of Industrial Economics, forthcoming.
46. "Rejection of transactions, intellectual property rights and antitrust", Journal of Law, Economy and Organization, 20 14.
45. "(When) stronger patents will increase continuous innovation?" Co-authored with Pan Shiyuan and), Economic Behavior and Organization, 20 14.
44. "Profitability of product bundling" (with Michael riordan), International Economic Review, Vol. 54 (1), pp. 35-57, 20 13.
43. Product innovation incentives: monopoly and competition. Management strategy, vol. 22, 5 13-528, 20 13.
42. "Investment beforehand, relief afterwards and product liability" (co-authored with Hua Xinyu), International Economic Review, 53: 845-866,2012.
4 1. "the choice between material capital, knowledge capital and FDI and outsourcing" (co-authored with Ig horstmann and James Markusen), NBER working paper 145 15, Canadian journal of economics, vol. 45,1-kloc-0/5,220.
40. Paid Implantation: Advertising and Search on the Internet (co-edited with Kawawa), Journal of Economics, Vol. 65438 +02 1, F309-F328,201.
39. "Equilibrium Price Dispersion of Heterogeneous Searchers" (co-authored with Zhang Tianle), Journal of International Industrial Organizations, 29,645-654,201/.
"Exclusive Contract, Innovation and Welfare" (with David sappington), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Vol.3,194–220,2011.
"The Impact of Competition on the Internet Access Price of Cable Modems" (co-authored with Scott Savage), working paper of NET Institute, 07- 13, 2007, Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 93, p. 20 1-2 17, 20/kloc.
36. "Dynamic Pricing: When to Attract Brand Switching and When to Reward Consumer Loyalty" (co-authored with Jason Pearcy), Rand Journal of Economics, 4 1, 674-685, 20 10.
35 Innovation in vertically related markets (co-authored with David sappington), Journal of Industrial Economics, 58,373-401,20 10.
34. Neglected Consumers and Product Quality (co-authored with Mark Armstrong), Journal of European Economic Association, Volume 7, Page 41-422, 2009.
33. "Designing Input Price to Stimulate Innovation" (co-authored with David Sappington), Journal of International Industrial Organizations, Vol. 27, pp. 390-402, 2009.
32. Price Competition (co-authored with Michael riordan), Rand Economics Journal, Volume 39, Page 1042- 1058, 2008.
3 1. "Ownership, location and price of e-commerce market in China", (co-authored with Zhao, Dong Mei and Scott Savage), Information Economy and Policy, vol. 20, pp. 192-207, 2008.
30. Buyer's investment, export varieties and intra-company trade (with Robert feenstra), NBER working paper # 1 1752, European Economic Review, Vol. 52,No.131333.
29. "Dynamic Price Discrimination of Asymmetric Enterprises", Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 56, pp. 729-75 1, 2008.
28. "Vertical contracts between airlines: equilibrium analysis of code-sharing alliances" (co-authored with Philip Gayle), Journal of International Industrial Organizations, 2007.
27. Price and Diversity in Spoke Model (co-authored with Michael riordan), Economic Journal, Vol. 1 17, pp. 897-92 1, 2007.
26. Vertical integration, exclusive operation and post-cartel. 38, p. 1-2 1, 2007.
"Oligopoly Price Discrimination by Purchase History", in Advantages and Disadvantages of Price Discrimination, Swedish Competition Authority, Stockholm, 2005.
24. Market Design of Relevant Valuation (co-authored with Wang Ruqu), The Economist, Vol. 73, pp. 659-672, 2006.
23. Journal of Marketing Innovation, Economics and Management Strategy, Vol. 15,10/-123, 2006.
22. Intellectual Property and Innovation in Developing Countries (co-authored with T. Puttitanun), Journal of Development Economics, 78,474-493, 2005.
2 1. Vertical Pricing and Parallel Import (co-authored with Keith Maskus), Journal of International Trade and Development, Vol. 14,No. 1, p.18, 2005.
20. Will the Department of Economics conduct an optimal search when recruiting teachers? (co-authored with Terra Mckinnish), Economic Survey, vol. 43, pp. 676-688, 2005.
19. vertical disintegration, journal of economics and management strategy, vol. 14, pp. 209-229, 2005.
18. Balanced sales mechanism (co-authored with R. Wang), Yearbook of Economics and Finance, Vol.5, pp.335-355, 2004.
17. trade liberalization and strategic outsourcing (co-authored with jota Ishikawa and Yu zhihao), international economic research, vol. 63, p. 4 19-436, 2004.
16. vertical price control and parallel import: theory and evidence (co-authored with K. Maskus), review of international economics, vol. 12, pp. 55 1-570, 2004.
15. Model of competitive sales mechanism (co-authored with R. Wang), Economic Express. Volume 85, page 15 1- 155, 2004.
14. parallel import in vertical distribution mode: theory, evidence and policy (co-authored with K. Maskus), Pacific economic review, vol. 7, p. 3 19-334, 2002.
13. on vertical merger and its competitive effect, rand economics journal, vol. 32, pp. 667-685, 200 1. Reprinted in: George Norman (ed.), Recent Development of Monopoly and Competition Policy, Library of International Economic Review Works, Volume 2 17, Edward Elgar Publishing House, 2008.
12. Balancing cost overruns (co-authored with Ron Smith), Yearbook of Economics and Finance, Volume 2, Page 40 1-4 14, 200 1.
1 1. Strategic bidding by potential competitors: Will the monopoly last? Journal of Industrial Economics, Volume 48, Page 16 1- 175, 2000.
10. commitment, trust and contract, journal of law, economy and organization, vol. 16, pp. 209-232, 2000.
9. Oligopoly price discrimination and resale price maintenance, Rand Economics Journal, 30,441-455, 1999.
8. Learn the buyer's valuation distribution in marked sale (co-authored with Wang Ruqu), Economic Theory,14,417-428, 1999.
7. Paying Customer Switching, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 6,877-897, 1997.
6. Multidimensional Signals and Diversification, Rand Journal of Economics, 28, 168- 187, 1997.
5. Balanced product bundling, Business Journal, 70,85-103, 1997.
4. On the monopolist's use of the maximum price commitment (co-authored with Robert Rosenthal), Journal of Rand Economics, Vol. 27, 207-220, 1996.
3. Dynamic duopoly with slowly changing customer loyalty (co-authored with Robert Rosenthal), Journal of International Industrial Organizations,14,269-296, 1996.
2. Asking price as a means of commitment (co-authored with Robert Rosenthal), International Economic Review, 37, 129- 155, 1996.
1. Conflict of interest in information disclosure and short-term orientation of enterprises, Journal of International Industrial Organizations,12,211-225, 1994.