Legal analysis
Publishing his works without the permission of the copyright owner; Publishing a work created in cooperation with others as a work created by oneself without the permission of a co-author; Did not participate in the creation, in order to seek personal fame and fortune, signed on other people's works; Distorting or tampering with other people's works; Plagiarizing other people's works; Without the permission of the copyright owner, use the work by exhibition, shooting or similar shooting, or use the work by adaptation, translation, annotation, etc. Unless otherwise provided for in this law; Using another person's work without payment; Renting works or audio-visual products without the permission of the copyright owner or copyright-related obligee of a cinematographic work or a work created by a method similar to cinematography, except as otherwise provided for in this Law; Using the layout design of books and periodicals published by publishers without the permission of publishers; Live broadcast or public transmission of a live performance or recording of a performance without the permission of the performer; Other acts of infringement of copyright and rights and interests related to copyright.
legal ground
Decision of the NPC Standing Committee on Amending the Copyright Law of People's Republic of China (PRC). One article is added as Article 8: "Copyright owners and copyright-related rights holders may authorize copyright collective management organizations to exercise copyright or copyright-related rights. After being authorized, the copyright collective management organization can claim rights for copyright owners and copyright-related rights holders in its own name, and can participate in litigation and arbitration activities involving copyright or copyright-related rights as a party. " Copyright collective management organizations are non-profit-making organizations, and their establishment methods, rights and obligations, collection and distribution of copyright licensing fees, and supervision and management shall be stipulated separately by the State Council. "