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1. Basic theoretical research 1, legal system of WTO 2, research methods of WTO law 3, legal status of WTO 4, relationship between WTO and other international organizations 5, membership of WTO 6, special status of Europe in WTO 7, relationship between regional trade agreements and multilateral trading system 8, non-discrimination principle 9, transparency principle 10, and developing countries. Rule research 1, consensus and anti-consensus II. Multilateral trade agreements of WTO. Comments on the general agreement on trade in services. Comments on TRIPS Agreement 5. Research on the agreement on anti-dumping measures. Research on the agreement of subsidies and countervailing measures. Agreement on rules of origin studies. Research on customs valuation agreement. Study on the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade 10, Study on the Agreement on Safeguard Measures 1 1, Comment 3 on the Protocol of China's Accession to the WTO. Case analysis (you can choose the case accepted by the Ministry of Commerce of China or the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation or any case accepted by the WTO) IV. Countermeasure research 1. Anti-dumping frenzy against China and China's countermeasures II. Green Barriers and China's Countermeasures. Technical Barriers to Trade and China's Countermeasures. The Dilemma of Doha Round Negotiations and China's Countermeasures. Abuse of WTO rules and China's countermeasures. The new situation of countervailing and China's countermeasures. Research on the legal environment of international trade in China. Rules and Practice of China's Trade Barriers Investigation "A Reading Book on China's Entry into WTO" 1. On the basic principles of the world trade organization and their interrelationships. 2. Analysis of the characteristics of trade dispute settlement mechanism. 3. Non-tariff measures are an important means to create trade barriers. 4. On the application of trade remedy measures in international trade. 5. Thoughts on "Intellectual Property Agreement". 6. On China's main rights and obligations in the WTO. 7. The influence of China's entry into WTO on China's agriculture and its countermeasures. 8. The influence of China's entry into WTO on China's industry and its countermeasures. 9. Analysis of the opportunities and challenges brought by China's entry into WTO to China's circulation industry. 10. How to transform government functions after joining w to?