Network marketing is an integral part of an enterprise's overall marketing strategy, and it is a marketing method based on the Internet and with the help of the characteristics of the Internet to achieve certain marketing goals. It has the characteristics of fairness, virtuality, symmetry, fuzziness, complexity, monopoly, multiplicity, rapidity and globality. It is the focus of future marketing strategy, and the emergence of network marketing has promoted an unprecedented network economic revolution. This paper studies the network marketing of China Telecom. Firstly, the definition and characteristics of network marketing are given. Secondly, it introduces the development status of telecom network marketing at home and abroad. Finally, aiming at the problems existing in the network marketing of China Telecom, the corresponding improvement measures and suggestions are put forward.
Keywords: China Telecom; Network marketing; cybereconomy
Content summary 1
Quotation 1
1 definition and characteristics of network marketing 2
1. 1 internet marketing definition 2
1.2 characteristics of network marketing
2. The development status of telecom network marketing at home and abroad 5 pages
2. 1 Internet Marketing Status of Foreign Operators 5
2. 1. 1
2. 1.2
2. 1.3 Japan
2.2 China Telecom Network Marketing Status 7
2.2. 1 general development overview 7
2.2.2 China Telecom 10 Network Marketing Status
3 China Telecom Network Marketing Problems and Suggestions 12
3. 1 China Telecom Network Marketing Problems 12
3. 1. 1 There are misunderstandings and ideas about network marketing within operators 12
3. 1.2 It is difficult for consumers to change their traditional consumption concept 12
3. 1.3 technical and credit security issues 13
3. 1.4 It is hard to find talents who pay equal attention to network and marketing 13
3. 1.5 Incomplete relevant laws 14
3.2 China Telecom Network Marketing Development Suggestions 14
3.2. 1 Promote the change of ideas to a strategic height and break through the shackles of traditional marketing ideas55438+04.
3.2.2 Overall planning and step-by-step implementation 15.
3.2.3 Maintain and update the company website 15.
3.2.4 Strengthen the training of network marketing talents and introduce 16.
3.2.5 Improve customer service quality and ensure service attitude 16.
3.2.6 Accelerate the research on network technology and electronic money 17
3.2.7 Strengthen the publicity of online marketing 17
Summary 19
Thanks 20
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