Quarks have many different intrinsic properties, including charge, color charge, spin and mass. In the standard model, quarks are the only elementary particles that can withstand all four basic interactions, which are sometimes called "fundamental forces". The word "quark" is a phrase taken by gherman from "Three quarks for a setting mark" in James Joyce's novel Wake in finnigan. This means that there are three quarks in a proton.
In addition, quarks have many meanings in this book. One of the protons consisting of two upper quarks and one lower quark is the cry of seabirds. He believes that this is suitable for his original strange idea that "elementary particles are not fundamental and elementary charge is not an integer". At the same time, he also pointed out that this was just a joke and a rebellion against the pretentious scientific language. In addition, it may be because of his love for birds.
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