The AC voltage signal with peak-to-peak frequency of 5V 1KHz is the power supply, and a transformer is enough.
What is the output frequency? Is the output sine wave or square wave? Is the signal source sine wave or square wave?
Is there a ground between input and output? Is the amplification power supply independent?
Maximum output voltage? Maximum load resistance?
In the scope of analog circuits, it is necessary to know.
Is the input voltage amplitude proportional to the output current amplitude?
You must first learn to realize voltage-controlled constant current output under DC condition with ordinary LM324 operational amplifier.
As for the final requirement, it is enough to drive transistors such as 8050 and 8550 with LM324. More than DC circuits are input voltage rectification and peak filtering, output circuit sampling, sampling conversion voltage rectification and peak filtering, and the two voltages are compared with each other to drive the operational amplifier. Using integrated circuit power amplifier, it also needs rectification, filtering and comparison. If high-speed response is required, the filter loop has an integral link and needs to be handled by other methods.
Remember, unless it is a superb design level, you need to use a multiplier as usual! ! ! !