On the translation of p. Newmark
On translation
Guide to translation practice
Practical guide to translation
Can theory help translators? The dialogue between the ivory tower and the writing world. Wagner
Is theory useful to translators? Dialogue between ivory tower and language working face.
Translation education corpus.
Corpus and Translator Training
Corpus-based contrastive linguistics and translation research methods
A Corpus-based Study of Language Contrast and Translation
Cross-cultural Cross-border: A Research Model of Translation Studies Ⅱ. Historical and Ideological Issues
Cross-cultural Invasion —— A Research Model of Translation Studies (Ⅱ): Historical and Ideological Issues
Electronic tools for translation
Electronic tools for translators
Cross-cultural Faust: Research Patterns in Translation Studies Ⅰ, Textual and Cognitive Aspects
Beyond Cultural Breakthrough —— A Mode of Translation Studies (Ⅰ): Text and Cognitive Studies in Translation Studies
Translation history method
Research methods of translation history
Text analysis in translation: theory, method and teaching application of translation-oriented text analysis model
Discourse analysis model of translation: theory, method and teaching application (second edition)
It's the translator's turn
Translator's first novel
Translate it! Literary translation and translation research papers
"Translation! Literary translation and translation studies.
Translated Literature: Practice and Theory in the Context of Comparative Literature
Literary Translation: Theory and Practice in the Context of Comparative Literature
Translation and Empire: An Interpretation of Post-colonial Theory
Translation and Empire: Interpretation of Post-colonial Theory
Translation and Language: An Interpretation of Linguistic Theory
Translation and Language: An Interpretation of Linguistic Theory
Translation and Literary Criticism: Translation as Analysis
Translation and Literary Criticism: Translation as an Analytical Method
Translation and State: Cultural Politics Towards Britishness. Ley Brown
Translation and the State: British Culture and Politics
Translation and standardization
Translation and standardization
Translation and standardization
Translation, Power and Subversion
Trends and prospects. Mr Rogers
Today's Translation: Trends and Prospects
Unity in diversity? Current trends in translation studies.
Unity under pluralism? Trends in contemporary translation studies.
Western translation theory: from Herodotus to Nietzsche
Western translation theory: from Herodotus to Nietzsche
All the above are from FLTRP. I suggest you choose a few. Don't write them all down, you must be a fool.