Disease: The health condition declines, and the disease and its accompanying symptoms will increase the risk of falling. Nervous system diseases, cardiovascular diseases, eye diseases, psychological and cognitive factors will all affect the balance function, stability and coordination of the body.
Drugs and their side effects: whether or not to take drugs, the dosage of drugs, and taking compound drugs may all cause falls. Psychotropic drugs, cardiovascular drugs, hypoglycemic drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-Parkinson drugs and dopamine drugs can all induce falls.
Psychological factors: depression, anxiety and poor mental state will all increase the risk of falling. Fear of falling will also reduce behavioral ability, affect gait and balance, and increase the risk of falling.
2. External risk factors
Environmental risk factors: dim indoor light, slippery road surface, obstacles during walking, inappropriate furniture height and placement, no handrails in the bathroom, and inappropriate shoes and walkers are all related to falling. Outdoor risk factors include the lack of maintenance of steps and sidewalks, especially those that are easy to trip over.
Social factors: education level, income level, medical care level, health service channels, outdoor environmental safety design, whether the elderly live alone, social communication and contact will all affect the incidence of falls among the elderly.