Confucius said, "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous." . Wang Xing of Meituan once said, "Most people are willing to do anything to avoid real thinking". If you don't learn to think often, your brain will become inert and degenerate after a long time. Many people use physical diligence to cover up their laziness in thinking and fall into meaningless blindness. Many professionals have worked for many years. In fact, they do simple work repeatedly according to procedures and standards, and rarely think with their brains. Although I have worked for many years, my actual experience and skills are not much ahead of those who have worked for one or two years. This kind of personnel, not to mention promotion and development, can not be dismissed in advance by the enterprise is to burn high incense. And deep thinking, get twice the result with half the effort! Deep thinking usually has the following characteristics.
Good at summing up experience: people who make rapid progress in the workplace are especially good at summing up experiences and lessons. Many things can often be understood once, sorted out after three times, written training and promotion plan after five times, and basically published after ten times. These people can draw inferences from other people's experiences, and the same mistakes will not be made again. Not only sum up your own experience and lessons, but also the experiences and lessons that happened in others, peers and even outside the industry can be actively used for reference and absorbed into your own things. This high generalization ability can make people grow very fast, and often after working for one or two years, they can surpass the knowledge and experience accumulated by others for ten, eight or even decades.
Good at finding problems: you can see the essence through phenomena. We often encounter various problems in our work, and the common solution is simple solution. For example, when people change jobs, their wages increase and their performance declines, they need training. But this often treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, because what we see is often the illusion of the problem, and the real problem is covered up. Only by discovering the essence of the problem can we fundamentally solve the problem, otherwise we are scratching our boots. This requires asking a few questions about why and getting to the bottom of it.
For example, Toyota personnel found out the real reason for the suspension of production line through in-depth exploration.
Q: "Why did the machine stop?" Answer: "The fuse is broken because of the overload."
The second question: "Why is it overloaded?" Answer: "Because the bearing is not lubricated enough."
Three questions: "Why is there not enough lubrication?" Answer: "Because the lubricating pump can't suck oil."
Four questions: "Why can't I get oil?" Answer: "Because the oil pump shaft is worn loose."
Five questions: "Why wear it?" Answer: "Because there is no filter screen installed, impurities such as iron filings are mixed in."
By asking five "why", the real cause of the problem and the solution are found, that is, installing a filter on the oil pump shaft. If we don't trace back to the source, we may just change the fuse to deal with it, and the real problem has not been solved.
Global and systematic thinking: many people often stand on their own land and only consider their own interests, so it is easy to lose sight of one thing and lose sight of another. In this way, the pattern of people is not high and their growth is not fast. People who are good at thinking can think from a global perspective. Understand the value your work brings to the team and the enterprise, and understand the expectations and intentions of superiors. In this way, you won't fall into a state where the blind touch the elephant and press the gourd and can't get up. The work will be targeted and balanced, and there will not be too many short-term behaviors. This way of working will meet the requirements of superiors and even exceed their expectations. For example, when developing the market, these people will not let dealers blindly purchase a large number of goods to improve their performance, but try their best to help dealers solve shortcomings and improve their marketing ability, so as to achieve long-term cooperation between the two sides.
Creative problem solving: when we think about problems, we are often limited by existing knowledge and experience. We like to look at problems from our own perspective, stick to the rules, step by step, and lack of innovative consciousness, which makes the work situation drag on. People with deep thinking ability are good at learning from other people's experience, linking different things and solving problems with new methods and new ideas. Often make refreshing achievements, so as to quickly open the situation and usher in another village. For example, 360 Company, which produces anti-virus software in China, did the opposite when other anti-virus software competed with each other and constantly promoted anti-virus consumer packages to customers. It announced that anti-virus software was free and benefited from value-added services, thus quickly opening up the market and becoming the largest Internet security company in China.
There is a classic line in the movie The Godfather, "Those who can see through the essence of things in half a second and those who can't see the essence of things all their lives are doomed to be completely different fates". People who are not good at thinking can hardly reach the peak of their careers. Those who are good at thinking and thinking deeply can not only make great contributions to the development of enterprises, but also make themselves grow and improve rapidly in the workplace, create a new situation in life and become winners in the workplace!
1one day at the end of August, 1998, two Stanford university graduates, Page and