This pledge of joining the Party, written 90 years ago, was written by He Yeduo, a poor farmer in Beitian Village, Yongxin County, Jiangxi Province. At that time, inspired by the revolution, He Yeduo devoted himself enthusiastically to collecting and transmitting information for the Red Army and transporting the wounded. 193 1 year 1 month 25th, he yeduo firmly wrote this pledge to join the party. Today, the red cloth of that year has yellowed and faded, but the initial heart of this revolution has not faded.
Although He Yeduo's oath is old and vague, it profoundly reflects his firm belief in the revolution and infinite loyalty to the party. Today, when the Chinese nation is so close to the dream of rejuvenation, revisiting this unique pledge of joining the Party will make us feel more deeply the powerful spiritual power of revolutionary belief and the great historical and practical significance of our party's initial mission.