Understanding and solving the problem of dephosphorization in iron is of special significance in the history of iron and steel production development. The large-scale industrial production of steel began with the acid converter steelmaking method invented by H.Bessemer in 1856. But acid converter steelmaking can't dephosphorize; The lack of low-phosphorus iron ore has seriously hindered the development of steel production. 1879, S.Thomas invented the basic converter steelmaking process, which can treat high phosphorus molten iron. Then the principle of dephosphorization of alkaline slag is extended to open hearth steelmaking, so that a large number of phosphorus-containing iron ores can be used for steelmaking, which has made great contributions to the development of modern iron and steel industry.
The dephosphorization reaction of alkaline slag is carried out at the interface between slag and phosphorus-containing molten iron. The reaction between phosphorus P and oxygen O in molten steel is gaseous P2O5: tapping operation when the temperature and composition of molten steel meet the requirements of specified steelmaking varieties. Pay attention to prevent slag from flowing into ladle when tapping. Additives used to adjust the temperature, composition and deoxidation of molten steel are added to ladle or tapping flow when tapping, which is also called deoxidation alloying.