A correspondent is an individual who is mainly responsible for communicating with the journal you intend to publish in a paper co-authored by several authors. They communicate with journals in the process of submission, peer review and final publication to ensure that everything meets the management requirements of journals. Journalists are usually on standby during the whole process to answer the editor's questions.
They should also be available after publication, to respond to criticism of work, any problems that arise, and to cooperate with requests for additional data or information.
1、? Responsible for the whole publishing process of the manuscript;
2、? Timekeeper at all stages of the publishing process;
3、? The main connection between the journal and all other authors of the paper;
4、? Responsible for ensuring that all authors have reviewed and approved the final version before submitting the manuscript;
5、? A person who uploads a manuscript to an online submission website or sends it to a journal for peer review;
6、? Responsible for distributing the newsletter of the periodical (for example, decision letter, review report).
Relationship with papers
Correspondents are the most important authors of articles. Correspondents are generally responsible for all liaison work in the process of submission, revision and acceptance of papers. The correspondent should be the undertaker of the newspaper's external responsibility.
1. Correspondence author (when the graduate student I direct is the first author of the paper) is equal to the first author.
2. A paper is only counted once. Papers written by many people in the school can only be counted once in the name of the first author (or correspondent author). When the first author (or correspondent author) fills in the summary of scientific research achievements and applies online, the proportion of workload allowance will be approved for the remaining participants.
The workload of the first finisher (or correspondent) must be greater than 50%, and the total workload of all finishers in our school is 100%. Off-campus authors and graduate students don't give scientific research workload, so they don't need to fill it in. The second finisher cannot allocate workload.
3. "Names and workload of other participants" is left blank, and the default is that the first author (correspondent) accounts for 100% of the scientific research workload of this paper.