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Find the specific formats of direct and indirect references in graduation thesis references.
First of all, direct quotation

Direct quotation refers to the original words, which must be quoted in quotation marks, and besides indicating the author and publication year, the specific page number should also be indicated, and there is a space between p and the number, as shown in the following figure:

Darwin used the metaphor of trees to "express another form of interconnection-pedigree rather than ecology" (Gould, 1989, p. 14).

If you mention the author you want to quote in the article, and it is a direct quotation, you need to indicate the publication year in brackets immediately after his surname, and then indicate the specific page number in brackets after quotation marks, as shown below:

Gould (1989) explained that Darwin used the metaphor of the tree of life "to explain another form of interconnection-genealogy rather than ecology-and to explain the success and failure in the history of life" (page 14).

Second, indirect speech.

Indirect speech explains the meaning of the original text in different ways, making it more concise and clear. Common methods include deleting secondary information; Use synonyms, antonyms and so on. Use comments; Change one's statement, such as changing the angle or order of the statement. Is to summarize the whole document into a few sentences, or even a sentence or two.

1, quoting the viewpoint of the whole document.

There are two ways to quote the whole document (that is, the whole book or the full text):

One is that the author's surname does not appear in the text. If you don't quote, you don't need quotation marks. If the author to be cited is not mentioned in the article, it is necessary to indicate the author and publication year in brackets at the end of the citation, such as:

As a metaphor of natural operation, Darwin used tangled riverbanks, trees of life and natural faces (Gould, 1989).

In another case, the author's surname appears in the same sentence in the text. According to APA's specifications, it is not necessary to repeat the author's surname in brackets, just indicate the year of publication, and immediately indicate it in brackets after his surname. For example:?

Gould (1989) attributed Darwin's success to his talent for making appropriate metaphors.

If the author's surname and the publication year of the document have already appeared in the same sentence in the text, according to APA's specifications, brackets are not needed, for example:

In an article 1990, Taylor claimed that Charlotte and emily bronte were diametrically opposed, not only in character, but also in the source of writing inspiration.

When quoting Chinese works or periodicals in English-written papers, you only need to indicate the author's surname in Chinese Pinyin in brackets, and Chinese characters are not allowed, such as (Zhang, 2005).

2. Cite the same document written by several authors?

If you want to quote the works of two authors, you should indicate their surnames. Appears in parentheses, you can use&; Symbol. If it appears in the text, you must use and.

The theory of sexual selection has been used to explore the mating patterns of insects (Alcock & thornhill,1983).

Alcock and Thornhill (1983) also proved that …

If you want to quote the works of 3-5 authors, list all surnames when quoting for the first time, and only list the surnames of the first author when quoting later, so you don't need to list them all later. "With others") means yes.

Scientists have isolated a gene related to the circadian rhythm of plants. Kay, 1995). ... they identified mutations that activate the light-dependent pathway (Millar et al., 1995).

If you want to quote the works of more than five authors, whether it is the first citation or the subsequent citation, only the surname of the first author will be listed, and the rest will not be listed. Take it out and have a look

Scientists have constructed a deletion map of human Y chromosome (Vollrath et al., 1992). ... their research breaks down a region of a chromosome into ordered intervals. , 1992).

3. Cite different authors with the same surname.

If two or more authors have the same surname, their initials should be used in brackets, such as?

Recognized researchers of second language acquisition (such as R. Ellis, 2002) seem quite skeptical that repetition itself can explain the development of second language knowledge (N. Ellis, 2002).

When quoting Chinese works or periodicals, if there are multiple authors with the same surname, they should be distinguished by their initials in brackets, such as?

(Wang Weiying, 2003)? (Wang Lifeng, 2003, page 2 13)

4. Reference group author

When quoting the works of group authors, you should use the group name in brackets, such as?

Retired officers can use all the educational and recreational facilities of the university (Columbia University, 1987).

5. Cite documents without authors.

Cite a document without an author. If the title of the document does not appear in the text, it should be enclosed in parentheses or (if the title is too long) use keyword groups in the title, such as?

(Sleep Medicine, 200 1) or ("mad cow", 200 1).

According to APA specification, titles of independent publications or keyword groups in titles are marked in italics, and titles of works included in publications and unpublished works (speeches, papers, etc.). ) or keyword groups in the title are marked with quotation marks. When using keyword groups, you should choose the phrase at the beginning of the title.

6. Quote ideas or words in letters and conversations.

Letters and conversations (including emails, interviews, telephone calls, etc.). ) cannot be listed in the references at the back of the text, but the source should be indicated in brackets in the text. For example:

Mira Ariel (e-mail, April 2004 17) confirmed that accessibility markers play a vital role in discourse organization. ?

Researchers may find that English majors in China who have no overseas experience usually have a better command of English than American foreign language majors who have no overseas experience?

The influence of overseas experience on the language they have learned (Eugene Nida, personal newsletter, 1 1 8th of the month, 1986).

7. Cite multiple documents of the same author?

According to APA specification, different documents of the same author can be distinguished by the year of publication, such as:

(Zhang, 1997)? (Zhang, 1999)? (Zhang, 2004)

Parentheses can also represent multiple documents of the same author, arranged in the order of publication, such as:

(Zhang, 1997, 1999, 2004)

For the documents published in the same year, letters should be added after the year to show the difference (the same letters should be added after the year of the corresponding items in the reference description), such as:

(Bloom, 2003a, 2003b)

8. Cite many documents from different authors at the same time.

Parentheses can contain multiple documents of different authors, and the documents are arranged alphabetically according to the authors' surnames (pay attention to the use of semicolons), such as:

Away from health care providers, lack of transportation, lack of health care providers, lack of information about diseases and various treatment programs?

Poverty and social isolation caused by geographical reasons are both factors that affect the treatment decision of rural customers (Brown, 2006, 54, 38+0; Sullivan Venat Law Firm. Fulton,1993; Venat & Boehlmann, 1994).

9, citing indirect literature

The paper should avoid using indirect documents (secondary sources) as much as possible, but it is impossible to find direct documents (primary sources). First-hand information), quotations can be separated from indirect literature, such as:

Grayson (quoted from Murzynski & ampDegelman, 1996, page 135) identified four components of body language related to vulnerability judgment.

A researcher (Grayson, in Murzynski & ampDegelman, 1996, p. 135) identified four components of body language related to vulnerability judgment.

After citing indirect literature, only the entry of indirect literature (namely "Murzynski &: Degelman, 1996") remains.

Extended data:

Direct reference annotation

1, double quotation marks indicate direct reference, and single quotation marks are only used to mark references in references, as shown in the following figure:


The researchers claim that "the problem of uncertainty does not appear in non-referential noun phrases" (Thompson, 198 1, p. 129).


The researchers claim that "the problem of uncertainty will not appear in non-referential noun phrases" (Thompson, 198 1, p. 129).

2. References shall not be expressed in italics or bold.

3. Citation sources are enclosed in brackets (generally no footnotes or endnotes).

4. Sentences shorter than three lines or quotations shorter than one sentence should be written in the text and marked with double quotes. In the text, brackets are placed in punctuation marks at the end of the sentence, but not in quotation marks (see the following example).


Her idea was further confirmed? People think she is strange, and no one loves and worships her? (Fountain, 1988, page 33).


Her idea was further confirmed. "People think she is weird, no one loves her, and no one worships her." (Fountain, 1988, page 33)?

Her idea was further confirmed. "People think she is eccentric, and no one loves or admires her (Fountain, 1988, p. 33)."

5. Punctuation in direct quotation:

The quotation marks directly placed in the text should be enclosed in double quotation marks, and the double quotation marks should be placed before the semicolon, as shown in the following figure:

Oscar Wilde wrote that "selfless people are colorless"; However, most people will agree with William gladstone that "selfishness is the greatest curse of mankind" (Slade, 2000, p. 69).

The position of exclamation point and question mark is divided into two situations: punctuation belongs to quotation marks and is placed before quotation marks; If punctuation belongs to a written paper, put it after quotation marks. For example, if quotation marks are a problem, question marks should be placed inside quotation marks, otherwise, question marks should be placed outside quotation marks.

Correct: Where did Whitman talk about "the meaning of poetry"?

Error: Where does Whitman talk about "the meaning of poetry?"

6. Chinese quotations in the text should be translated into English.

7. Quotations with three or more lines are regarded as independent block quotations, and the brackets of quotations are not single sentences, so they should not be placed in punctuation marks at the end of sentences, as shown below:

... as a comfort, Wordsworth (1798) constantly projected his desire for inner peace into the river image.

You wander in the forest,

How many times has my soul turned to you! (Page 156)

In the romantic poet's mind, bosom is an indicator of nourishing nature, not the bustling secular life, and it also reflects his nostalgia for the distant past, because "these waters …

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