"Carrying things by virtue" is a sentence in Yi Zhuan. The original text is: "The terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things by virtue."
Let's start with virtue. What is "virtue" is actually very simple. Helping others to ask for something in return is called a transaction. Helping others without expecting anything in return is called "virtue". If many people get your help and you don't ask for anything in return, then your virtue will be thick and you can be called respected.
Besides, if goodness is water, it is best, and the best way to live is water. What is water like? Water is good for everything, that is, water brings benefits to everything. If you don't fight, you fight for the benefit, so if you don't fight, everything will be fine, that is, helping others without asking for anything in return.
But I don't think this is enough. Lao Tzu went on to say that he is the root of all evil. There is a good saying that man struggles upwards and water flows downwards. What do people hate? Very low. So what everyone hates is low status, that is, modesty and prudence. Therefore, you should not only help others without asking for anything in return, but also keep a modest and prudent attitude. Don't think people are arrogant just because you are kind. If you can do this, you will be "few words". In other words, we have gained a way of life close to Tao.