1. Confirm the periodical official website: Confirm the periodical official website before submitting the manuscript. You can look up official website in academic database or search engine. If you are not sure, you can contact our editorial department for more information.
2. Pay attention to domain names and suffixes: Fake official website usually uses domain names and suffixes similar to real websites. For example, the domain name of the real website may be "journalname.com", while the domain name of the fake official website may be "journalname-com" or "journalname.org". Therefore, please carefully check whether the domain name and suffix are correct before submitting your paper.
3. Check the design and content of the website: Fake official website usually imitates the design and content of the real website. However, they may lack some important elements, such as copyright statement, contact information, author's guide and so on. In addition, the content of the fake official website may not be detailed and accurate enough. Therefore, before submitting your paper, please carefully check whether the design and content of the website are consistent with the real website.
4. Don't believe in excessively favorable prices: Some fake official website will offer very favorable prices to attract authors to contribute. However, these prices are usually false and may lead to your paper being stolen or published in unknown journals. Therefore, please don't trust the excessively favorable price before submitting your paper.
5. Submit through formal channels: Finally, I suggest you submit through formal channels. This includes using academic databases or search engines to find the official website of the journal, contacting the editorial department of the journal for more information, and following the author's guide.