The Roar of the Lion is a romantic comedy film adapted from Su Dongpo's The Roar of the Lion, which tells a funny and touching love story between Liu Yuehong, the savage's wife, and Cheng Jichang, a nobody.
In addition, The Roar of the Lion is a TV series broadcast on February 1996, which tells the on-off love between Chen Jichang, a playboy of Beijing School, and Liu Yuee, a strong woman, and the encounter between Su Dongpo and Lu Xiaodie.
The main actors in this TV series are as follows: Esther, Zhang Bingxi, Hu Feng, Huang Yifei, Qin Huang, Xin Huang, Zhang Yi, Liang Qinqi, Guan Jing, Ma Hailun, Eric Legros, Zhan Bingxi, Huazhong Male, Kit Loong Yiu, Wen Shuangyan and Teng.