Wang Bailin signed a confession, and Wang Bailin, Tang Hong, Yang Jianqun and his brothers and sisters were duly punished after being sentenced by the court. A few years later, Bai Jie was released from prison, and Irene often went to Wang Bailin.
Hao happened to see Yu Xiaohui when he attended the job fair. Yu Xiaohui saw Hao's resume and looked up to see that both Hao were laughing. After Yang was released from prison, he often came to the orchard to help his father, while fox hunters such as Yang and Yang continued to catch fugitives abroad.
Publicity activities:
June 19, 20 10, the drama officially announced Wang Kai, Angel, Hu Jun and Liu Yijun. ; On September 1 1, the first edition of the play was released. ; On April 13, 2020, the drama was announced to be finalized on April 14, and a preview, poster and full-line poster were released.