The People's Government of Jiangsu Province established it as a "key discipline in Jiangsu Province", thus establishing the position of the Department of Sociology of Nanjing University as an important research center of sociology in China. The first dean is Professor Song, the second dean is a professor, and the current dean is Professor Feng.
The School of Social Sciences is composed of the president, the party secretary, the vice president, the deputy secretary of the party committee, the department heads of sociology, psychology, social work and social policy, and the director of the Institute of Social Anthropology. It formulates the development plan of the school and decides the major decisions of the school. The School of Social Sciences also has an academic committee, a degree committee, a teaching committee and an appointment committee, which are composed of college leaders and professors from various departments, to accept relevant academic, degree, teaching and job evaluation and appointment work respectively. Chairman: Zhou Xiaohong
Deputy Director: Xu Su
Members:, Cheng Boqing,, Feng, Peng Huamin,, Wei Xu, Zhai,
Cheats: Jiang Haiyun Head: Zhou Xiaohong
Deputy Director: Feng
Members: Feng, Geng, Min Xueqin, Shao Jing, Wang Hejian, Zhu Li.
Cheats: Head of Chen Changkai: Cheng Boqing
Deputy Director: Zhai
Member: Chen Youhua, Chairman: Peng Huamin.
Deputy Director: Shen Hui
Members: He Xiaoxing, Li Zhongquan, Peng Huamin, Freeman Shen, Yang Derui, Zhang Yulin, Zheng Guanghuai, Zhengzhen.
Cheats: Wang Bo in Power: Zhou Xiaohong
Deputy Director: Xu Su
Members:, Cheng Boqing,, Feng, Peng Huamin,, Zhai,,.
Cheats: Yan Ling