Because the exam can enter key universities, it proves that the candidates' academic performance is really good. Because they have excellent academic performance and made no mistakes, their parents' generation cannot directly affect their future prospects. Big universities should also understand that the purpose of cultivating talents in universities is to contribute to the country. If parents can't recruit candidates because of the integrity of candidates, they think that they have violated their original educational intention.
Of course, there are people who object, but in the end, the issue of goodwill is particularly important and will rise to the legal and moral level. If a key university refuses to admit a candidate because of his parents' credit problems, it will awaken the society.
If you want to create better educational conditions for future children, we can help you enter a better school. We must start from ourselves and do good deeds sincerely. Therefore, it has been mentioned that education in China is of special value to honesty, which is also a special consideration. But I still have my opinion. In short, mainstream universities have no reason to reject this excellent student.