Confucius said, "Don't be angry, don't complain, don't worry, don't be angry. No three turns,no. "
Confucius said: "don't enlighten him until he tries to understand;" Don't inspire him until he knows it in his heart but can't express it perfectly. If he can't draw inferences from others, don't give him repeated examples. "
Comment and analysis
The following is Confucius' educational experience. He doesn't think that a teacher can have a good teaching effect by instilling it in students, but he thinks that the key lies in how to inspire students to think and ponder for themselves. Instead of asking the teacher to draw inferences from others and repeatedly list them to the students, it inspires the students to draw inferences from others. To do this, we must adhere to a principle: don't tell students the answers easily, don't think too much about them, and don't instill standard answers in them. I think this is worthy of our teachers' thinking and reference in today's teaching.
Smart teachers often start by asking questions or playing games when teaching new lessons to students. On the one hand, it is easy to concentrate students' thoughts, on the other hand, it can also inspire students. If you simply instill ready-made answers into students, students often only know what it is, don't know why, and even lack the ability to use it flexibly and think independently.
For example, when you read this book, don't think that translation and critical analysis here are the only answers. You can also try to understand the original text of The Analects from another angle. If you are good at thinking and thinking seriously, there will often be unexpected discoveries and surprises.
2. The meaning of this passage is, "I will enlighten you when I think about everything, and remind you when I want to say it. For example, if you name a corner of a table, he can't answer you with three corners. I won't tell such students anything new. This is Confucius' direct exposition of heuristic teaching. From this discussion, we can see that Confucius' heuristic teaching is not a problem from beginning to end. He only inspires in key places and attaches great importance to the development of students' thinking, which requires that it be inferred from others.
3. "The Analects of Confucius Chapter VII" "Confucius said:' If you don't get angry, you won't get angry, you won't get angry, you won't raise a corner and you won't be opposed to the three corners." "This passage means," I won't enlighten you until I think impassability. I'll remind you when I want to say it. For example, if you name a corner of a table, he can't answer you with three corners. I won't tell such students anything new. This is Confucius' direct exposition of heuristic teaching. From this discussion, we can see that Confucius' heuristic teaching is not a problem from beginning to end. He only inspires in key places and attaches great importance to the development of students' thinking, which requires that it be inferred from others.