Nanchong Gaoping District Education Bureau is located in heming East Road, Gaoping District.
You can take bus 14 opposite the bus stop. There is a Unicom business hall nearby, not Jialing No.1 Middle School. You can also take a taxi. 10 is enough.
Running time and route of 14 road
6:00- 19:30 in summer and 6:30- 19:00 in winter.
Guang Cai Market-Guang Cai Market North Station-Maguangmiao-Jiaxing Road-Changcheng Road-Jianye Road-Dewey Road-Yao Murumo-Chengnan Road & gt- Xinghuo Road-Mahuangyan-Youhe Market-Chenshou Road-Chenshou Middle School-Wanjuanlou Scenic Area-Daximen-Central Hospital & gt- Wuxing Garden-Fujiang Road-Xihe Road-Beihu Lake.
If there are many hotels, you should go to Renmin South Road in Shunqing District.
Usually 50, but the conditions are very good.
I'm from Peng 'an. I studied in Nanchong for several years. I hope I can help you.