2. The 42nd batch of China Post-doctoral Fund funded project "Study on the Differences between the Northern and Southern Dynasties" (20070420932) 3. Luoshan Dialect and Central Plains Culture in Henan Province, Philosophy and Social Sciences Program of Henan Province (2006-BY-004).
4. North-South Differences of Chinese Vocabulary in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Project of Henan Provincial Department of Education (2005-QN- 174).
5. A Lexical Study on the Biography of a Monk, a project of Henan Provincial Department of Education (2006-GH- 160).
6. Research on the Project Language of Young Key Teachers in Zhengzhou University (2005)
7. Henan Luoshan Dialect and Central Plains Culture, Henan Social Science Association Project (SHL-2006- 1440)