Poor credit information will generally not affect your child's schooling, but if your child is in college, your credit information will seriously affect your child's schooling, and some of your personal consumption and behavior will be restricted. If your child is currently attending a 9-year compulsory education school, or an ordinary high school, or a national ordinary university, and the school refuses to let your child go to school, then you can complain to the local education department. As long as there is no problem with the children, there is no problem with the admission procedures.
First, the consequences of bad credit reports
1. The bank will take certain collection measures. In the initial telephone notice, if the loan is really not paid, you can explain your actual situation to the bank and try to apply for an extension, which depends on different bank regulations;
2, overdue for more than 90 days, if the circumstances are serious, it can be regarded as malicious overdue, and bank collection may also cause life pressure for yourself and your family, affecting the normal life of individuals and families;
3. In terms of overdue fees, there will be some fees such as liquidated damages and penalty interest, which need to be collected according to the contract. Different institutions and different loan products charge different liquidated damages or penalty interests;
4. It has an impact on personal credit records, and bad credit records become obstacles to future loans such as mortgages and car loans and credit card processing;
5. If the loan has not been sued to the court, and the court still refuses to repay the loan after the execution of the judgment, you can report it to the Supreme People's Court and enter the "list of people who have been executed because of dishonesty", which is also commonly known as the "Lao Lai list", and it will be forbidden to travel by high-speed rail.
Second, the impact of bad credit reports.
1. loan: leaving a record of non-performing loans on the credit information will directly affect everyone's future mortgage and car loan. Many friends were in loans overdue before, and it was difficult to pass the mortgage review, which delayed buying a house.
2. Job hunting: Now many employers also have requirements for the integrity of employees, and they will check their credit records when recruiting people. If you have more bad loan records, then a good job may pass you by.
3. Business perception: Generally speaking, every enterprise wants to have reliable partners. If everyone's personal credit is poor, they will inevitably lose the trust of others in business negotiations.
4. Government concessions: At present, some people with bad credit do not enjoy many government concessions. In addition, the enterprises under its name may not be able to participate in some government bidding activities.
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Will parents' bad credit information really affect their children's going to college?
Does not affect children's college education.
It will definitely not affect children's schooling.
Credit investigation is just your personal credit status. Legally, it also belongs to parents' personal behavior. Will not affect children's schooling. However, if you become a black household, there will be many adverse consequences in society, mainly because it will be very inconvenient for people with bad credit records to apply for credit cards and loans. Even if you do, your loan amount will be very low. And it will be affected in tourism, going abroad and high-end consumption.
Generally speaking, parents' breach of trust has a major impact on their children. Children can't study in private schools, but can only receive education in public schools and can't study abroad. Under normal circumstances, bad credit records in places such as parents' broken loans will only affect the credit situation of themselves and their spouses.
All in all, if it is only a blacklist of credit information, it will have no impact on children, but if it rises to the level of untrustworthy people, then the impact will be much greater.
Article 1 of "Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court Municipality on Publishing the Information of the List of Executed Persons with Disbelief"
If the person subjected to execution has the ability to perform and fails to perform the obligations specified in the effective legal documents, and under any of the following circumstances, the people's court shall include him in the list of people subjected to execution for breach of trust and impose credit punishment on him according to law:
(1) Obstructing or resisting execution by forging evidence, violence or threats;
(2) evading execution by means of false litigation, false arbitration or concealing or transferring property;
(3) Violating the property reporting system;
(4) Violating the order of restricting high consumption;
(five) the person subjected to execution refuses to perform the execution settlement agreement without justifiable reasons;
(six) other people who have the ability to perform and refuse to perform the obligations specified in the effective legal documents.
Will there be problems with credit reporting affect children's attendance at cooperative schools?
Being included in the list of untrustworthy people will affect children's attendance at aristocratic schools and private schools with high tuition fees. It is the right and obligation for children to go to public schools, and they can register for school normally.
Will credit information affect children's schooling?
Whether children's schooling will be affected by credit information is as follows:
1, if the circumstances are minor, such as when the parents' credit information is slightly overdue, it will generally not affect their children's schooling;
2. If the circumstances are serious, for example, the personal credit information is not good enough, and it is included in the list of untrustworthy people and listed on the court announcement list, in this case, the children's schooling will be affected, and the children cannot go abroad to study, nor can they go to private schools that charge high fees.
Customers of credit investigation:
1. Credit information is mainly served by financial institutions to support credit decision-making;
2. The main service object of commercial credit investigation is wholesalers or retailers, which provides support for credit sales decision-making;
3. The main service object of employment credit information is the employer, which provides support for the employment decision of the employer;
4. There are other credit investigation activities, such as market research, creditor's rights processing, movable property and real estate evaluation. Credit information services for different customers are completed by one institution or in independent enterprises around the upstream and downstream of credit information institutions, and are equipped with databases.