Lecture: electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave, automatic control principle, virtual instrument, sensing technology, photoelectric technology, single chip microcomputer principle. Paper: Coordinate Decoupling Analysis of Multidimensional Precision Optical Adjustment Frames, Photoelectric Engineering, Vol.38, No.4, 20 1 1.4 (Core Journal), Research on Parameter Solving Model and Algorithm of Quadratic Aspherical Mirror, Science and Technology and Engineering, 2065438. Influence and elimination of nonlinearity in aspheric zero compensation detection, science and technology and engineering,No. 16, 2007. Active adjustment of rigid support thin film mirror system, infrared, no.8, 2006. Patent: 1. The first inventor, electromechanical integration analysis method based on int file. 2. The first inventor, the optical axis transformation method in the off-axis three-mirror optical system assembly. 3. The first inventor, the coordinate decoupling method of five-dimensional optical adjustment frame. 4. The second inventor is a limiting device for limiting the displacement of a large-aperture mirror in a dynamic environment.