In fact, no matter whether you review well before the exam, you can't improve your grades by improper means. Maybe you are eager to get good grades and hope to get praise from teachers and classmates by cheating. However, the result of cheating is not true and does not represent your real level, because only the result of your own efforts will not be stolen, and the result of cheating will make others' achievements unfairly treated. But in this way, you realize the sweetness, and gradually become addicted like smoking poppies, which is harmful to your physical and mental health. It can be seen that cheating in exams not only affects others, but also makes you lose your integrity.
To this end, I send a few suggestions to all my classmates: 1. Use this month before the exam to review carefully, study hard, make yourself full of confidence, and put an end to cheating because of incomplete review. 2. Relax properly before the exam and keep a good attitude. 3. Sign an agreement on the integrity test before the exam to deepen the understanding of the integrity test. No matter what we have achieved, as long as we have achieved it through our own efforts and sweat, no one will criticize your achievement, because it is your own fruit, no one dares to laugh at it, and no one can steal it. Finally, I appeal to you: observe the examination discipline, keep the examination style, and start from yourself!