Mencius once said that there are three kinds of unfilial. It is the first kind of unfilial to blindly obey and not know how to dissuade parents from doing bad things when they see their mistakes. Being poor at home but doing nothing to support parents is the second kind of unfilial; As we all know, the third is that there is no future.
In the sentence of Louzhang, Gong and Mencius talked about it. Gong was puzzled. He thought puffed up and the whole country said he was unfilial, but Mencius made friends with him, so he asked Mencius why. Mencius replied: "Generally speaking, there are five kinds of unfilial people; First, lazy parents; Second, gambling and drinking, spending all the money but not supporting parents; Third, be stingy with money and throw your parents aside with your wife; Fourth, do the opposite, indulge your desires and shame your parents; Fifth, courage and ruthlessness at ordinary times bring trouble to parents. And puffed up just because his father did something wrong, he assumed the responsibility of repaying kindness and was not accepted by his father, so why not be filial? It is unfilial to let my father do something wrong. "
Confucius once said, if you don't respect your parents, what's the difference between keeping a cat and a dog?
From this point of view, filial piety is to serve parents with a respectful heart, so that parents can have ample food and clothing, be broad-minded, be healthy and behave correctly, without adding burden to their parents and worrying about them. If parents are wrong, they should also speak out tactfully. This is filial piety.
There is an allusion called "Wang Xiang lying fish", which means "filial piety".
There is a city in the south of Shandong Province and a river named Xiao Mu River in the north. In the middle of this river, there is a place where there is no ice in March and September, and the boundary between ice and water draws a human figure. According to legend, this is where Wang Xiang lies. According to legend, in the Western Jin Dynasty, there was a family in Linyi City, and there was a young man with a strong bloodline named Wang. This winter, his mother was ill and wanted to eat fish very much, but it was September, and there was ice and snow everywhere. Where can I find a fish seller? Wang Xiang was in a hurry, and there was nothing he could do. One day, it suddenly occurred to him that fish must be afraid of cold and want to go to a warm place. I used my body temperature to melt the frozen water, and the fish swam towards me, so I caught the fish. So he ran to the river, took off his clothes and scraped on the cold ice. The ice melted and the fish was caught. Mother recovered from eating fish. This is the famous legend of Wang Xiang lying fish. The story of this young man in the Western Jin Dynasty is very touching. Wang Xiang became a model of filial piety in China. This story tells people that filial piety is children's absolute obedience to their parents, that is, they fully understand their parents and even sacrifice their lives to repay them.
Of course, Confucius was not the first person to advocate filial piety. The concept of filial piety existed before Confucius. But Confucius was the first thinker who systematically expounded filial piety. For the first time, he considered filial piety from the perspective of national stability and world peace, and thought that if a person could abide by the principle of filial piety, he would not commit the crime of insurrection. Filial piety is the foundation of benevolence. If a person can't be filial, he is definitely not a benevolent. Confucius used this idea to educate his students, so some of his students are famous for their filial piety, such as Min Ziqian.
Min Zikai, a native of Shandong, is said to have been driving with his father when he was a child, wearing a cotton-padded coat just made by his stepmother and shivering with cold. His father thought that he was driving badly on purpose, and was furious. He raised his whip and whipped it. As a result, the cotton coat was torn, revealing reed flowers, not cotton. Father understood and decided to divorce his abusive wife. But Min Ziqian knelt in front of his father and begged him not to divorce his stepmother. He said that if he divorced his stepmother, his brother would become like this. Father felt reasonable and agreed to his request. Min Ziqian is a noble among Confucius disciples and a concrete practitioner of Confucius' filial piety thought.
Confucius' filial piety to students mainly has three meanings. First, there is no violation, that is, he absolutely obeys the will of his parents. Even if he knows that his parents are wrong, he should gently persuade them to ignore them and still obey them with a pleasant face. The second is "respect and support". Confucius thinks it is unfilial to support parents only in life. He said: Just like dogs and horses, anyone can feed them. Support parents disrespectfully like dogs and horses. So respect is the essence of filial piety. The third is that you haven't changed your father's way for three years. Confucius' filial piety embodies benevolence and runs through ceremony. He asked people to be polite to their parents. Death, burial with ceremony; Sacrifice it with ceremony. "However, Confucius' filial piety has both classical humanitarianism and foolish filial piety. After the development of later Confucian scholars, it has become a tool for the feudal ruling class to oppress the people. Since the Jin Dynasty, many feudal rulers have also played the slogan of "ruling the world with filial piety", which has had a great impact on China society. Just as Confucius' filial piety itself is advanced and lagging, its influence on China society has two sides. On the one hand, it plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining the family unity and harmony of the Chinese nation, forming a good social fashion of loving the father and filial piety of the Chinese nation. On the other hand, he stressed that children should be absolutely filial to their parents and even asked their children to mourn for three years. " Three years' failure to change one's father's way "has become a spiritual shackle that binds children, which is extremely unfavorable to the expansion of their personality and develops into a post-Confucian" cannibalism ethics ". So we should correctly understand the meaning of filial piety.
The so-called "filial piety" means respect, love and filial piety. When it comes to filial piety, most people think that as long as they do their best to support their parents, it is filial piety. In fact, livestock and poultry still know how to feed back, and supporting parents is only the most basic part of filial piety. In addition to filial piety to parents, it should be extended and supplemented, and filial piety to clans even extends to filial piety to the whole nation. Therefore, we say that filial piety in the modern sense is the expression of love, the true feelings of the country and relatives, the due responsibility between people and me, and the intimate relationship at the time of human relations. Filial piety maintains the order of the old and the young, and is a virtue passed down from generation to generation by parents and children; Filial piety is sincere gratitude for life, and it is also a grateful return without regrets. Loving oneself is filial piety, filial piety to family, filial piety to country and nation. Therefore, the significance of filial piety is not limited to filial piety to parents, but should start with relatives and then extend to the whole society and country.
Enlightenment of Filial Piety —— Enlightenment to Mother
"Filial piety"-What is filial piety? Isn't it just a sentence? What's the point?
"no!" It is of great significance, not only in one sentence, but also in carrying forward the fine tradition of filial piety and love for relatives of the Chinese nation! The world is filial. This also has a deeper social significance. For example, filial piety is everyone's business. We should start from childhood and start from dribs and drabs, so as not to leave a lifetime of regrets. In addition, it is the obligation of all of us to honor the elderly, otherwise we will break the law and leave lifelong regrets. So, let's not do things that we regret, be filial, from now on!
When it comes to filial piety, it is a long-term thing. Because you must be patient, not afraid of nagging first, and then communicate with your parents more so that they don't have to worry about you anymore. This is simple to say, but it is a permanent thing to do.
My mother is very busy at work. Ten times when she was tired, I cooked for her and ate later. Although she is very tired and can't give me financial and spiritual help, I can't think of it without filial piety. Because I have grown up, it's time to repay. There is only one thing that can be filial to her now, and that is to study hard. Repay her hard work. Here I want to say: "Mom, you have worked hard!" "
Looking back on these years, I have done a lot of things that I am sorry for her. I hope she can forgive me for being an unfilial son. From now on, I will be good to you. It can't be like before, I believe you will feel your son grow up slowly!
Only when people have filial piety can they have a sense of responsibility, mission and kindness. Filial piety makes people mature and grow. I think, how can people love this city and the country that raised us without filial piety to their mothers? The filial piety of loving mother is "filial piety" and the filial piety of loving the motherland is "great filial piety". I am willing to be a "big dutiful son".
The meaning of "filial piety" is too profound!
Instructor: Liu Ye
Comments: I have a thorough understanding of the meaning of filial piety, so it is better to start reasoning.
Filial piety/mourning
Filial piety is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. All virtues and filial piety come first, which is a much-told story in national history. To be a good person, a kind person and a successful person, we must be filial first. Losing filial piety is like a person losing his heart, only one body stands in the world and loses the value of life, let alone standing tall and making a difference. There are many touching stories about filial piety in history, one of which is "Min Zikai advised his father to feel his stepmother". Touching.
Min Zikai was from the Zhou Dynasty. I lost my mother when I was a child, and my father married a surname as my stepdaughter. Min Zikai has always been filial, and he treats his stepmother as filial as his mother. Later, the stepmother gave birth to two sons in succession, so she began to hate Min Zikai. Always speak ill of Zi Qian in front of her husband and pick out the relationship between Zi Qian and her father.
Winter is coming, and the weather is very cold. The cotton-padded clothes made by the stepmother for her two biological sons are covered with warm cotton; The cotton-padded jacket made for Zi Qian is covered with reeds that are not warm at all. Reed flowers are reeds that grow in water. Where can the light flowers flying everywhere keep out the cold? Therefore, Zi Qian feels very cold when wearing it, as if she were naked. Instead, the stepmother said to her husband, "Zi Qian is not cold, but he wears thick cotton-padded clothes. Too arrogant, deliberately called cold. "
One day, my father was going out, and Zi Qian drove the horses and chariots for his father. A cold wind blew, and Zi Qian was too cold to catch the reins. He fell to the ground and the horse almost pulled the car off the cliff. The father was so angry that he raised his whip and gave his son a good beating. Zi Qian's cotton-padded coat was torn, and the reeds in it flew out. Father knows everything. Go home immediately and scold your stepmother, drive the vicious woman out of the house and divorce her. My stepmother stood still, too ashamed to speak. Zi Qian knelt in front of his father and cried to persuade him, "Mom's child is cold, and she is going to have a third child." Please don't drive her away. "
There is a good saying, "One mother is cold, and three mothers go." I don't know how many people were moved by this sentence, even Min Ziqian's stepmother was moved and regretted it. Since then, Min Zikai has been regarded as a parent-child, which is the influence and greatness of filial piety.
As the saying goes, "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves before, and each generation is stronger than the next." Now we should be more filial to our parents, not to mention that filial piety is our long-standing cultural and traditional virtue. However, the fact seems to be a bit the opposite. The precious wealth of history has not been recognized by some modern people, and some even want their parents to "honor" them. In their hearts, only their parents have the idea of raising them and being cows and horses for them. As long as you are happy, it is enough to ignore the pain of others. But can they think of the pain of pregnancy in October and the hardship of raising a baby, and can they forget it? If these can't change their heart of stone, then they can only be reviled and abandoned by society.
Filial piety is priceless. As descendants of the Chinese people, we should always remember that filial piety comes first and carry forward our traditional virtues.
Filial piety is the only important thing.