In view of the current situation of college students' part-time jobs, we randomly selected some effective and representative surveys from the Internet for analysis. After summarizing these investigations and analysis, we can easily draw some conclusions, such as the reasons why they choose part-time jobs and their purposes are different. The most representative reasons for doing part-time jobs are as follows.
The first part-time job is to improve my ability and life experience. Nowadays, in order to challenge themselves and break through themselves, more and more college students choose to constantly exercise themselves through social practice and part-time jobs to improve their ability to cope with the world and interpersonal communication, accumulate contacts for themselves and improve their interpersonal communication ability.
The second type accounts for the largest proportion, and the purpose of part-time job is to have a certain source of income and reduce the economic pressure on yourself and your family. In the United States, as long as they reach the age of 18, it means that they have become independent adults and their parents no longer support them. Therefore, college students in China hope to be independent and not be a burden to their families after entering universities. Therefore, they choose part-time jobs to achieve their independent goals. On the one hand, when they have financial resources, they can no longer rely on their families. On the other hand, they can reduce the family burden.
The third and final point is that school study and life are all theoretical knowledge in books. Once they enter the society, this is the real practice. Therefore, some people will choose a part-time job to test whether their professional knowledge is qualified, so as to find out the shortcomings, make up for them, and make college life without regrets.
In short, no matter what reason they choose to take part-time jobs, their ultimate goal is to make themselves better. Therefore, no matter for what purpose or reason, college students' part-time jobs will bring us unexpected gains and benefits. For example, taking a part-time job can increase our social experience, broaden our interpersonal relationship and achieve personality independence. Therefore, if conditions permit, college students can choose some part-time jobs to enrich themselves according to their actual situation. I believe you will get many surprises from your part-time job.