"My name is MT" is an original 3D network animation produced by Colorful Huaying Studio, which has been dubbed "the new light of domestic animation" by many netizens. This animation is a popular fan network animation with Warcraft as the core, and its prototype is Blizzard's famous online game World of Warcraft. The film was created by a group of anime fans, among which the characters are "Walnut", "Tea Superman" and "Lost", and its humorous style is well received by Warcraft players. My name is MT official website: /zt/immt/ Youjiu. Com My name is MT Special Station: /immtc/ Chinese Name: My name is MT mbth: I am MT Production Company: Colorful Painting Production Area: Chinese mainland Director: Walnut Screenwriter: Walnut Starring: Mouning, Silly Man, Hunter, Idiot, etc. Type: OVA Release Time: 2009 Major Award: CCTV Animation Channel.
Golden lens unit: the most popular voice actors in the podcast award: milk tea superman, YOYO, CBI, etc. /view/2623223.htm